Umpting Leaderboard

See how you stack up against the top Umpting players! Here's the current leaderboard:

Rank Player Name Total Points
1 BallerKing123 5420
2 HoopsMaster 5385
3 SwishLegend 5310
4 RimRocker 5290
5 CourtGeneral 5250
6 DunkDynamo 5215
7 NetNinja 5190
8 ThreePointAce 5150
9 ReboundTitan 5120
10 AssistWizard 5090
11 BlockBoss 5050
12 StealSpecialist 5020
13 FastBreakFury 4990
14 AlleyOopKing 4960
15 ZoneDefense 4930
16 ManToMan 4900
17 PickAndRoll 4870
18 FullCourtPress 4840
19 JumpShotJedi 4810
20 LayupLord 4780
21 TimeoutTactician 4750
22 BenchBossman 4720
23 FreeThrowFanatic 4690
24 DoubleDoubleDare 4660
25 TripleThreat 4630
26 MidRangeMaestro 4600
27 PaintPatrol 4570
28 TransitionTeam 4540
29 ClutchPlayer 4510
30 GameWinner 4480

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