See how you stack up against the top Umpting players! Here's the current leaderboard:
Rank | Player Name | Total Points |
1 | BallerKing123 | 5420 |
2 | HoopsMaster | 5385 |
3 | SwishLegend | 5310 |
4 | RimRocker | 5290 |
5 | CourtGeneral | 5250 |
6 | DunkDynamo | 5215 |
7 | NetNinja | 5190 |
8 | ThreePointAce | 5150 |
9 | ReboundTitan | 5120 |
10 | AssistWizard | 5090 |
11 | BlockBoss | 5050 |
12 | StealSpecialist | 5020 |
13 | FastBreakFury | 4990 |
14 | AlleyOopKing | 4960 |
15 | ZoneDefense | 4930 |
16 | ManToMan | 4900 |
17 | PickAndRoll | 4870 |
18 | FullCourtPress | 4840 |
19 | JumpShotJedi | 4810 |
20 | LayupLord | 4780 |
21 | TimeoutTactician | 4750 |
22 | BenchBossman | 4720 |
23 | FreeThrowFanatic | 4690 |
24 | DoubleDoubleDare | 4660 |
25 | TripleThreat | 4630 |
26 | MidRangeMaestro | 4600 |
27 | PaintPatrol | 4570 |
28 | TransitionTeam | 4540 |
29 | ClutchPlayer | 4510 |
30 | GameWinner | 4480 |
Umpting on is a mobile online fantasy basketball game that challenges players with dynamic team-building and competitive play. It is designed for players 18 and older, offering a risk-free sports experience without real-money gambling.
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